About us

NeatAlerts sends you on the same day as the publication alerts per email matching the criteria that you will have defined beforehand.

Example: real estate sales with a price ≥ 50 millions of francs and within a distance of ≤ 4km from Geneva

Settings for the “Constructions & sales”:
... the “Corporate publications” and “Debt & bankruptcy”:
  • name of the company / debtor
  • type of company / debtor
  • State of residence
  • type of notices
  • keywords
In the media:
GHI: A Genève, le nombre de bureaux vides explose!
GHI: A Genève, le Covid a fait bondir les héritages et les successions
immobilier.ch: Qui sont les grands propriétaires?
immobilier.ch: Communes en non-conformité
immobilier.ch: La chasse aux parcelles constructibles
immobilier.ch: La vérité sur le potentiel constructible à Genève
Lausanne Cités: A Lausanne, le marché immobilier bat tous les records
GHI: Record historique: boom des ventes immobilières
Lausanne Cités: Les nombreux bugs de la CAMAC sèment la zizanie
GHI: Abattages d’arbres: la guerre des chiffres reprend
bz Zeitung: 25 Prozent weniger Plätze: Airbnb verliert in Basel mächtig an Boden
TdG: Airbnb et consorts souffrent moins que les hôtels
GHI: Feuille d'avis numérique: les bourdes agacent
GHI: Crise: forte hausse des faillites d’indépendants
GHI: Airbnb poursuit sa folle croissance dans le canton
Tagblatt: Kein Deal zu Kurtaxen: Gespräche zwischen dem Kanton St.Gallen und Airbnb bleiben ohne Ergebnis
LeNouvelliste: Airbnb: Bagnes et Nendaz devant Lausanne
Le Matin Dimanche: Les autorisations de construire déclarées à Genève sont truffées d'erreurs coûteuses (p. 3)
Le Matin Dimanche: Toujours davantage d'abattages d'arbres à Genève (p. 11)
Aargauer Zeitung: “Kettensägen-Massaker”: Genfer wehren sich gegen das Fällen ihrer geliebten Bäume
GHI: Arbres en ville: massacre à la tronçonneuse
GHI: Faillites: la guerre des chiffres
LeRégional: Airbnb fait grincer des dents
Tagblatt: Das Airbnb-Angebot wächst in der Ostschweiz markant – wer aber bezahlt die Kurtaxen?
20minutes: La Ville soupçonnée d'abattre trop d'arbres
Lausanne Cités: Surveiller Airbnb: le Canton prépare la riposte... depuis mars 2017!
GHI: Surveillance d'Airbnb: c'est le Far-West!
Bilan: Airbnb continue à dicter sa loi (pp. 14-16)
RTS La1ère: Les plateformes de sous-location sous la loupe d'une société vaudoise
TdG: Ils rendent la “Feuille d'avis” plus lisible
LeNouvelliste: Moins fastidieuse que la lecture du “Bulletin officiel”
RTS La1ère: e-FAO et l'appli PilierPublic
Bilan: Une app pour alerter sur les projets immobiliers
TdG: Le “pilier public intelligent”
LFM: Lecture de la FAO par système d'alertes
RougeFM: L'appli PilierPublic s'avère bien pratique
LaLiberté: Les feuilles officielles ont de la concurrence
L'Express/L'Impartial: Une app' simplifie l'usage des mises à l'enquête publiques
LeRégional: Simplifier le système peu accessible de la FAO
Pic-Vert: S'informer grâce à des alertes ciblées (pp. 26-27)

The only solution that accurately locates the public consultations, even better than the Official Gazette!

Rather than relying on Google Maps (10% error, based on a sample of 2'500 addresses), NeatAlerts has developed proprietary technology to accurately determine the place and extent of every construction project, real estate sale and tree felling:

Current official notices
Current official notices
Alert History
Alert History


“NeatAlerts allowed us to find building sites that we hadn't seen on other platforms - with top-notch bilingual customer service!” P.A. Fossati, CEO, Atelier Services SA

“The best product to work without wasting time, with a flexible system for drawing up tenders P. Egger, CEO, A3 Tec Sàrl

“I don't have to read the Official Gazette anymore, I get alerts according to the keywords that I have chosen” A. Jeanmonod, Sales Director, Glassconcept SA

“A tailor-made alert system, and a quick answer to every question, even on Sundays” C. Didelot, President of the Groupement des habitants du chemin de l'Étang
“Thank you for your reactivity, welcome to the meanders of land use planning” C. Didelot, President of the Groupement des habitants du chemin de l'Étang

“Very useful to alert our members of projects that appear in our neighbourhoods” S. Reynaud, President of the Association Cointrin Ouest

“Much more efficient and easy to access than the Official Gazette's website” C. Demierre, teacher

“Great idea... I used it on a trial basis: super simple, it convinced me” C. Fokianos-Mehl, M.D.

“Simple and efficient, at a reasonable price for private individuals” A. Binder

“I am very satisfied with the information received, a highly recommended site!” C. Hügli

“NeatAlerts cannot be criticized for compiling publications and allowing them to be found by keywords” V. Schneider, head of the legal department of the State of Neuchâtel

Free trial & no obligation
(after 1 month's trial, the service will automatically stop)

For you

Companies certified ISO 9001 and leader of the Swiss real estate market trust us, so why not you?


Private individuals

To become a homeowner, be the first person to call the developer of a new construction!

Already homeowner? Defending your quality of life and the value of your home starts with quick and relevant information.

Please contact us to check if your home is already registered with NeatAlerts.


Property manager

With NeatAlerts, you'll save time without the risk of missing a building application near your buildings under management or the notice of a tenant's debt enforcement procedure.

And for each building, you can indicate a Cc: email address (e.g. the owner's) who will receive along with you any email alerts.

construction tools

Building contractor & Broker

A keyword search (e.g. “isolation” in the Description of projects), it's easier than reading the Official Gazette!

It is also possible to receive alerts on SIMAP invitations to tender for construction work.

And with a simple click you can print out a personalized letter to the architect, with the particularities of the project and your service offer. Your choice: print the PDF document or send it by email (more than 12'000 addresses at your disposal).

The best solution

Digital from A to Z

The only fully digital solution available throughout Switzerland for debt enforcement & bankruptcies, and already in 19 States (representing 95% of the Swiss population) for construction projects.


certificatThe only solution that automatically checks and corrects the Official Gazette's often erroneous geolocation data – for example up to 600km difference on 05/09/2017 !


The only solution allowing immediate visualization of building applications on an interactive map and in a dynamic list.

With one click you can enter the data of a construction project in your calendar or CRM for follow-up.


For your security and the confidentiality of your data, all exchanges are secured by SSL..

All the time and everywhere

NeatAlerts is a “Web App” accessible from the button at the top-right of this page, and compatible with most systems, browsers, calendars and CRMs used around the world:

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Outlook (Office / Microsoft 365)
Apple Calendar
Google Calendar
Yahoo Calendar
Microsoft Dynamics 365

Info of the day

The pitfalls of a building authorization

The project file can be consulted at the municipality during the appeal period. You should make sure that this file is complete, including plans, sections and facades with the measurements correctly mentioned (to be able to judge the dimensions) ... [ Continued in the “Blog” section ]